Monday, July 30, 2012

Does your blog need tweaking? Want tips?

Are you a blogger as well and want the latest and greatest tips. Well, this is the de facto place to go for all of your answers on both blogger and wordpress. There is a link below but search Spice Up Your Blog and Google will take you there.

35 Best Free Blogger Templates Of 2011 | Spice Up Your Blog

Please see comments on Beauty is Skin Deep or Hard Day's Night for what has been going on. (throw in chemo and flu and computer problems and you'll get the big picture.)
And please do comment. I love to hear from my readers.
Hope all is well in your world.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Tips for saving space and saving your wallet.

Who doesn't need more space? Raise your hand. Okay, no hands. Who doesn't need to organize something; your drawer, your office shelf, your storage shelves, your bathroom shelves? Again, no hands. Who would like to save money and do all of the above easily? Wow, lots of hands. Here are some tips to do that in 3 fast steps. First, we are in a consumer driven economy. And yet many people think the first step to organizing is...a trip to the 'organize-it store'. (I will not name names here.) But that trip will take money right out of your wallet. Back to 'consumer driven economy'. Well, we also consume a lot of goods. And if you recycle (I hope all hands are up on this one), you will find a number of good, solid packaging that will work wonders in organizing those pesky junk drawers or wires for all of the electronic goods. Even batteries or our dear postman's rubber-bands. For instance, I am a lover of Crystal Light. If there is a sale on the larger containers (as I've found the box kind to be cheaper; another tip for you), I just take off the label and I have a sturdy, perfectly shaded container with a steadfast lid that I didn't have to spend some odd dollars for at the 'organize-it store'. All I have to do is find a need for it (easy) and slap a label on it. If you don't have a label-maker, then grab some tape and a marker and write up what you need to fill it full of; cotton swabs, hair clips, band-aids, etc. Done. A secondary benefit to getting all of the lemon-aide you want. Who likes coffee? Most of the coffee, for instance Folgers come in a small or large container. Just cut off the label and you have a sturdy tub with a snap-on lid for anything in your bathroom closet. Slap and label on it and your done. I am sure you have some great containers that you purchase your favorite food item in that would make perfect organizing containers. Think of what you buy and take a new look at the items you recycle. Can the labels be taken off? If not, give your kids a fun, new art project to change those labels with a little art supplies into great labels for containing and organizing. I bet they have a great deal to organize. They will more easily grab a container that is emblazoned with their artwork and spelling on it to help keep things tidy for you. It's also a great way to help them think outside the box (or, more to the point, inside). What twenty things are like five more? What's a name for them? How do you spell it? What is a good picture to put on it to help remember what goes where? From you to your kids, nieces, or nephews; it's a great way to re-use and utilize something without having to spend a penny.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Video now another authors' new platform?


Do Authors Have Time to Do All that is Required of Them and Write a Book???

I have run into a great number of writer websites and blogs that are posting a very professional looking video. These videos often are from sites such as and are essentially a trailer for their new book. Now normally, when we hear the word 'trailer' we think of movies, and movie production companies put a great deal of money and time into their trailers for each of their movies, as that will get tickets sold and " seats" as it is referred to in the business. However, authors are now using this same tool not to sell tickets but to sell their books. And each video, from the ones I have viewed boast high quality and professional effects. This takes a great deal of time, I would imagine, as the production artist would need (and, of course, want) to read the book and then pull all of the actors (and pay them), sets, costumes, etc. into the video and then schedule a shooting day. Cut the video, do production values, screen it for the author (who is footing the bill), and then upload it to their site or YouTube on whichever account agreed to or both the production company's account and the authors, if they have one. That's a lot of time and money. Forget the time and money the author put into to write the book, promote it, send it around to publishing houses, et al, or if they are indie publishers (which a lot of these authors are), the cost would be on top of the cost of publishing their work. As it appears to be the oevre du jour, what do you think about this, yet another, platform that authors must consider? My own opinion is that it is a wonderful way to market, as the marketing industry is saturated; but also a great deal of expense in addition to the other expenses required to "get your book out there". Please let me know by commenting and also use the feed buttons to let others contribute to this conversation. Happy writing!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

My vote for best of the best Websites
This is the most thorough and professional website for authors and readers alike that I've come across in a long time. Follow her for great content.

How does buying an #urbanfantasy novel equate to donating to #autism?

How does buying an #urbanfantasy novel equate to donating to #autism? Though I am not a writer in this genre, it seems to be all the rage. And this website by Becca Hamilton is the most thorough and professional that I've come across. Have a look and see if you agree. ljt

Please note that the author has autism as her pick for donations. See her site for more details on how to do this. #Wonderful ways to help others.

Book Blog Find: Nilsa's Book Blog #BestBookBlogs #AmReading

Book Blog Find: Nilsa's Book Blog #BestBookBlogs #AmReading Great blog for authors and readers alike. ljt